

  Hello, my name is Trevor Wittke. My wife Asella and I grew up here in District 2, we met in high school, and have been together ever since. We are raising our two children here in Mokelumne Hill. Our parents Beth Wittke, and Maggi and Richard Blood, also live in District 2 where they are active in the local community.

I am running for District 2 Supervisor with the intention of working with our community to develop concrete solutions to issues facing local residents. As the Executive Director of the Calaveras Cannabis Alliance I worked with stakeholders across the County to craft compromise land use policy that moved commercial cannabis activity out of residential neighborhoods, created 83 small businesses, 530 good paying local jobs, generating $14 million to $20 million in economic activity and over $3 million in annual tax revenue for the County.

Being County Supervisor is a full time job. A Supervisor’s primary responsibilities are to develop collaborative relationships, work toward shared goals of the County and meet our responsibilities to the public. As Supervisor I will work to meet the day-to-day needs of the community and to ensure that the County is providing the necessary services for District 2 residents. During this campaign I intend to meet you in your communities to earn your vote.

I am running for District 2 Supervisor with the intention of working with our community to develop concrete solutions to issues facing local residents. As the Executive Director of the Calaveras Cannabis Alliance I worked with stakeholders across the County to craft compromise land use policy that moved commercial cannabis activity out of residential neighborhoods, created 83 small businesses, 530 good paying local jobs, generating $14 million to $20 million in economic activity and over $3 million in annual tax revenue for the County.

Being County Supervisor is a full time job. A Supervisor’s primary responsibilities are to develop collaborative relationships, work toward shared goals of the County and meet our responsibilities to the public. As Supervisor I will work to meet the day-to-day needs of the community and to ensure that the County is providing the necessary services for District 2 residents. During this campaign I intend to meet you in your communities to earn your vote.

View my Platform


Vision for District 2

Maintaining Our History & Planning for the Future.

Maintain Historic Character

Maintain the unique and historical character of our local communities while providing the services we need and creating opportunities for local families and businesses.

Community Plans

Implement the Glencoe, Mokelumne Hill, Mountain Ranch, Paloma, Railroad Flat, Sheep Ranch, West Point, and Wilseyville Community Plans.

Economic Development

Encourage economic development that fits the character and needs of Calaveras County focusing on land management, resource conservation, recreational tourism, workforce development, vocational education and the creation of value added opportunities in our agricultural sector to help build a resilient and robust local economy.

Public Safety

Prioritize public safety with a comprehensive approach to address the issue. Develop Wildfire Protection Plans with every community. Adopt, implement and secure funding for the over 200 road improvement projects identified in the Evacuation Preparedness Plan.


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Community Plans

  • Seek input from Calaveritas residents to draft, adopt and implement a Calaveritas Community Plan.
  • Preserve historical and cultural sites in and around Calaveritas.
  • Update Wildfire Protection Plan and encourage community engagement to support strategic fire breaks, fuel reduction and provide jobs, fire protection, and develop recreational opportunities around Calaveritas.
  • Implement the Calaveras County Evacuation and Access Needs Assessment and Preparedness Plan in order to adequately address the day to day transportation and emergency service access needs of Calaveritas residents.
  • Implement the Glencoe Community plan maintaining the historical and rural character of the community.
  • Support the Glencoe community by encouraging sustainable timber, ranching, family farms and cottage industries.
  • Develop trails and recreational opportunities on public lands around Glencoe to support local families, and preserve the scenic beauty of the area.
  • Update Wildfire Protection Plan and encourage community engagement to support strategic fire breaks, fuel reduction and provide jobs, fire protection, and develop recreational opportunities around Glencoe.
  • Implement the Calaveras County Evacuation and Access Needs Assessment and Preparedness Plan in order to adequately address the day to day transportation and emergency service access needs of Glencoe residents.
  • Implement the Paloma Community plan maintaining the rural historic character of Paloma. Preserving open space and agricultural uses in and around the town, encouraging appropriate public uses in the town center of Paloma.
  • Implement the Calaveras County Evacuation and Access Needs Assessment and Preparedness Plan in order to adequately address the day to day transportation and emergency service access needs of Paloma residents.
  • Update Wildfire Protection Plan and encourage community engagement to support strategic fire breaks, fuel reduction and provide jobs, fire protection, and develop recreational opportunities around Paloma.
  • Implement the Mokelumne Hill Community Plan, maintain and preserve historical sites and cultural assets of the community, encourage appropriate development compatible with surrounding land uses, encourage youth participation and multi-generational involvement in local events and activities, expand local park and recreational opportunities, and support our local historic business community.
  • Develop Safe Streets / Pedestrian Plan to allow local kids a safe route when walking home from school, and to improve the safety walkability of the town for residents and visitors.
  • Conduct a traffic safety review of Mokelumne Hill to improve safety in and around town while preserving our unique and historic roadways. Implement the Calaveras County Evacuation and Access Needs Assessment and Preparedness Plan in order to adequately address the day to day transportation and emergency service access needs of Mokelumne Hill residents.
  • Update Wildfire Protection Plan and encourage community engagement to support strategic fire breaks, fuel reduction and provide jobs, fire protection, and develop recreational opportunities around Mokelumne Hill.
  • Work with local agencies and organizations to identify state and federal funding sources to address public utility, infrastructure, and fire safety needs of the Mokelumne Hill which is one of six Legacy Disadvantaged Communities in the County.
  • Implement the Mountain Ranch Community Plan, maintain historic rural character of Mountain Ranch, maintain the Mountain Ranch Park, encourage development that is consistent with the Mountain Ranch Community Plan.
  • Update Wildfire Protection Plan and encourage community engagement to support strategic fire breaks, fuel reduction and provide jobs, fire protection, and develop recreational opportunities around Mountain Ranch.
  • Implement the Calaveras County Evacuation and Access Needs Assessment and Preparedness Plan in order to adequately address the day to day transportation and emergency service access needs of Mountain Ranch residents.
  • Work with local agencies and organizations to identify state and federal funding sources to address public utility, infrastructure, and fire safety needs of the Mountain Ranch which is one of six Legacy Disadvantaged Communities in the County.
  • Implement the Rail Road Flat Community Plan by maintaining the historic rural character of the community. Supporting agricultural, ranching, and recreational activities and sustainable economic development in and Rail Road Flat. Support ongoing efforts to revitalize public spaces and community facilities in Rail Road Flat.
  • Update Wildfire Protection Plan and encourage community engagement to support strategic fire breaks, fuel reduction and provide jobs, fire protection, and develop recreational opportunities around Rail Road Flat.
  • Implement the Calaveras County Evacuation and Access Needs Assessment and Preparedness Plan in order to adequately address the day to day transportation and emergency service access needs of Rail Road Flat residents.
  • Work with local agencies and organizations to identify state and federal funding sources to address public utility, infrastructure, and fire safety needs of the Rail Road Flat which is one of six Legacy Disadvantaged Communities in the County.
  • Implement the San Andreas Community Plan by concentrating all current and future government facilities at the County Government Center, developing commercial and retail opportunities while promoting historic gold rush aesthetic, complete sidewalk and pedestrian safety improvements, address traffic safety at the intersection of Mountain Ranch Road and State Route 49, and meet the critical infrastructure needs of the community.
  • Implement the recommendations of the San Andreas SR 49 Commercial Gateway and Corridor Study to improve traffic safety and circulation problems through town.
  • Implement the San Andreas Mobility Plan to improve walkability, and address safety concerns by increasing signage, crosswalks and slowing traffic through town.
  • Support the San Andreas Parks and Recreation District, create opportunities for local youth through vocational education programs, sports and recreational activities.
  • Encourage local retail and commercial development in San Andreas to create shopping options, jobs, capture local spending and generate tax revenue instead of depending on surrounding areas for basic necessities.
  • Work with local agencies like Calaveras Public Utility District and San Andreas Sanitary District to identify state and federal funding sources to address public utility, infrastructure, and fire safety needs of the San Andreas which is one of six Legacy Disadvantaged Communities in the County.
  • Implement the Sheep Ranch Community Plan recognizing the community’s stated intention to preserve its rural small town character, low-density non-commercial zoning, open-range grazing for sheep, and support for the creation of an open-space Park in the town center.
  • Implement the Calaveras County Evacuation and Access Needs Assessment and Preparedness Plan in order to adequately address the day to day transportation and emergency service access needs of Sheep Ranch residents.
  • Update Wildfire Protection Plan and encourage community engagement to support strategic fire breaks, fuel reduction and provide jobs, fire protection, and develop recreational opportunities around Sheep Ranch.
West Point
  • Implement the West Point Community Plan supporting the strong independent nature of the West Point community by encouraging small-cottage industry, revitalizing the downtown by concentrating high-density and commercial development in the town center, developing mixed commercial and residential uses to support small-residence based businesses, preserving historical and cultural sites in and around West Point, and upgrading local infrastructure.
  • Supporting the local indigenous community and the imortant work of organizations like MACT and CHIPS.
  • Develop parks, trails, and recreational facilities by working to complete the Mokelumne Coast to Crest Trail, to create jobs, support local fire prevention, encourage recreational tourism for people to enjoy the scenic beauty of the upcountry region of District 2.
  • Continue to build upon the resource conservation and land management efforts spearheaded in the West Point and Wilseyville area to create new timber and forestry jobs, maintain our forests, reduce fuel loads, improve fire safety and turn waste byproducts into value-added resources.
  • Update Wildfire Protection Plan and encourage community engagement to support strategic fire breaks, fuel reduction and provide jobs, fire protection, and develop recreational opportunities around West Point.
  • Conduct a traffic safety review of West Point to improve safety in and around town while preserving our unique and historic roadways. Implement the Calaveras County Evacuation and Access Needs Assessment and Preparedness Plan in order to adequately address the day to day transportation and emergency service access needs of West Point residents.
  • Work with local agencies and organizations to identify State and Federal funding sources to address public utility, infrastructure, and fire safety needs of the West Point which is one of six Legacy Disadvantaged Communities in the County.
  • Implement the Wilseyville Community Plan by maintaining the historic rural character of the community. Supporting small scale residential, commercial and light industrial development fitting the historical character within the town center and supporting the needs of the community.
  • Support the completion of the 3 megawatt Cogeneration Biomass Plant in Wilseyville to create jobs, electricity and heating for local residents, while reducing fuels in surrounding forests, developing a sustainable local economy around fire prevention, conservation and appropriate land management.
  • Develop parks, trails, and recreational opportunities on the public lands surrounding Wilseyville to allow access to .
  • Update Wildfire Protection Plan and encourage community engagement to support strategic fire breaks, fuel reduction and provide jobs, fire protection, and develop recreational opportunities around Wilseyville.
  • Implement the Calaveras County Evacuation and Access Needs Assessment and Preparedness Plan in order to adequately address the day to day transportation and emergency service access needs of Wilseyville residents.


Via Mail

Trevor Wittke for D2 Supervisor 2024
P.O. Box 155
Mokelumne Hill, CA 95245